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PNO Consultants

PNO Consultants ( is Europe’s largest independent public funding and innovation consultancy, with 30 years of hands-on expertise with more than 500 funding programmes in most EU countries and presence in 9 European countries. PNO focuses on numerous industries, including the Transport and Mobility sector, in defining their innovation ambitions and in developing and financing innovation projects aimed to achieve these ambitions. PNO links innovation suppliers with adopters from a unique Europe-wide client network spanning multiple sectors, supported by advanced methodologies, ICT solutions, and proprietary on-line networking. PNO manages and participates in several EU funded research, innovation, and network projects bringing together and supporting sector organisations, governments, SMEs, large industries, universities and research organisations. Consequently, PNO helps to further innovate in specific sectors and enable market deployment by e.g. performing technology intelligence, stakeholder and market analysis, developing innovation roadmaps, developing, prototyping and evaluating business models and exploitation strategies.