News & Events

Synchromode tool TrafficDash is now operational at Keukenhof

Steven Boerma, from MAPtm, partner of the SYNCHROMODE project, introduced TrafficDash to Henk de Mooij, park manager of Keukenhof, Netherlands.

SYNCHROMODE MAPtm Steven Boerma TrafficDash

TrafficDash is a Dashboard, developed by MAPtm, to be used as part of the SYNCHROMODE toolbox that enables Keukenhof to further improve Multimodal Traffic Management.

The dashboard provides a detailed overview of the real-time traffic situation including weather, rainfall and incidents in the northern region of Zuid-Holland. In the near future, the dashboard will also show public transport positions and delays, roadworks, weather predictions and bridge openings.

Screenshot TrafficDash Keukenhof

Legend of the dashboard

Top bar

  • Number of Waze notifications
  • Number of incidents (notification of the road authorities)
  • Number of Variable Management Systems (VMS)
  • Temperature

On the map

  • Travel times
  • Incidents
  • Parkings in Noordwijk (occupancy)
  • Rainfall (blue boxes)
  • Pop up window: VMS locations and main information

Right window

  • Incidents visible on the map (top bar: total number) : reliability score (Waze), location, registration time.

HOw are the Keukenhof operators interacting with the dashboard manage incidents?

An operator can change the status of the incident:

  • Possibility of zooming on incident info
  • Filtering options: status, time

In the upcoming period, the SYNCHROMODE toolbox will be expanded with prediction modules to anticipate upcoming traffic situations even better.