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Multimodal Traffic Management Cluster

Everything you wanted to know about our participation in the brand new Multimodal Traffic Management Cluster.

All the partners from the cluster in a group picture in Brussels.

What Is the Multimodal traffic management cluster?

SYNCHROMODE has recently joined forces with other Horizon Europe projects to form the Multimodal Traffic Management (MTM) cluster, marking a significant milestone that not only opens avenues for knowledge sharing but also positions the project strategically in influencing the European Union’s strategies on network and traffic management. The MTM Cluster is dedicated to facilitating multimodal network and traffic management shaping the future of mobility in Europe. 

Expanding upon the groundwork laid by the 4FRONT cluster, the MTM cluster has undergone substantial growth with the integration of three additional Horizon Europe projects, broadening its scope beyond initial objectives. It serves as a convergence point for various EU initiatives, including FRONTIER, TANGENT, ORCHESTRA, DIT4TraM, SYNCHROMODE, ACUMEN, and DELPHI, fostering collaborative engagements such as panel discussions, webinars, and workshops. 

Originally solely focusing on road transport, Network and Traffic Management (NTM) has now evolved to encompass multimodal transportation, aligning with the European Commission’s vision for Sustainable and Intelligent Mobility. Acknowledging the significance of smart digital solutions and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), NTM is evolving to promote connected and automated multimodal mobility effectively. This shift underscores the critical need for efficient and resilient transport management across diverse networks, modes, and stakeholders, a challenge that the MTM cluster endeavours to address by enabling multimodal network and traffic management for future mobility under unforeseen conditions. 

Within the cluster, shared objectives drive collectively aims towards innovation and advancement: 

  • Developing dynamic tools to manage transport demand and optimise the use of the provided supply. 
  • Formulating innovative architectures and operational concepts for efficient, resilient, and adaptable multimodal network and traffic management systems. 
  • Implementing state-of-the-art data collection and fusion techniques using established standards and methods to facilitate seamless data exchange. 
  • Establishing multi-stakeholder organisational and business models to foster shared responsibility among various traffic management stakeholders. 
  • Assessing the transformative impact of emerging technologies, including intelligent infrastructure and connected and automated mobility systems. 
  • Developing and calibrating arbitration models tailored to complex network and traffic management scenarios, including disaster management. 

The MTM cluster has already made waves with its successful organization of a two-day workshop in Brussels on 8-9 February, 2024. Additionally, the cluster was actively present at the Connecting Europe Days event on 2-5 April, 2024.

Four representatives of the SYNCHROMODE project with leaflets on the Connecting Europe Days.

What is The ROle Of SYNCHROMODE?

SYNCHROMODE brings expertise and innovation to the table of the MTM cluster. By aligning with the cluster’s objectives, SYNCHROMODE contributes to the development of dynamic tools for managing transport demand and optimizing supply. Furthermore, SYNCHROMODE focuses on innovative architectures and operational concepts enhancing the efficiency, resilience, and adaptability of multimodal network and transport management systems. SYNCHROMODE’s emphasis on state-of-the-art data collection and fusion techniques also aligns with the cluster’s mission of facilitating seamless data exchange using established standards and methods.  

SYNCHROMODE and the MTM cluster together, are driving forward transformative solutions to meet the evolving demands of future mobility. 

Follow the journey of the MTM Cluster on LinkedIn.