News & Events

ITS Hellas 9th conference in Athens

SYNCHROMODE was present at the ITS Hellas 9th Conference on the 5th and 6th of June in Athens. This event was organised by the Hellenic Association for the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS Hellas) together with the Research University Institute of Communication and Computer Systems of NTUA. The main theme was “Smart Transport & Logistics 2024: Explore. Innovate. Transform”, focusing on the developments in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems in Greece. 

Evangelos Mitsakis, coordinator of the SYNCHROMODE project, delivered a presentation emphasizing its scope and the development of the SYNCHROMODE Toolbox as its primary outcome. He detailed the services, modules, and capabilities to be integrated into the SYNCHROMODE Toolbox, accompanied by three case studies showcasing its diverse real-world applications.

Furthermore, Yunex, a leader in intelligent traffic systems, addressed the audience, discussing current traffic management measures and strategies implemented in Athens. The presentation also touched upon the daily challenges faced by the Traffic Management Center. 

This event was also the opportunity to showcase the sister projects of SYNCHROMODE, gathered in the Multimodal Traffic Management Cluster (MTMC). This cluster gathers seven Horizon Europe projects researching the network and traffic management of future mobility. 

The key lessons learned from this event underscored the critical need for traffic management systems capable of accurately capturing current traffic conditions, predicting future conditions with precision, and promptly leveraging these capabilities to alleviate and proactively manage multimodal traffic networks.